Homework Assignments

Homework Assignment 1 (updated) (Due: Mar 7, 2017)

Typo correction: In question 3, subquestion b), “under the same assumption as in (b)” should be “under the same assumption as in (a)”. In subquestion c), “to your traffic patterns in (b) and (c)” should be "to your traffic patterns in (a) and (b)”.

Submission: You can either submit the soft copy of your homework to e-Learning, or hand in a hard copy to TA in class.


Homework Assignment 2 (Due: Apr 3, 2017)

A tutorial will be held on Mar 15 4:30pm, at ERB 1009. You are strongly advised to read the lab instruction before the tutorial.

Tutorial slides can be downloaded HERE.


Homework Assignment 3 (Due: Apr 25, 2017)