Topic Selection

We provide a list of some ideas on the course project. We prefer you to pick different projects to work on.
Please study the list before choosing your project topics. If you are going to pick a topic in this list, please go to
and sign up your desired topic. We will follow "first-come-first-served" to resolve any collisions.
If you propose your own project topic, please write up a proposal or a plan, and email it to Prof. Chiu and Prof. Lau. The professors will decide whether the topic is suitable.
Note that the proposal due date has been extended to Feb 16.

Some Project Ideas

In the following list, those items with (P) are more programming oriented. We can allow a (P) project to be done by two students working as a team (or it can still be an individual project). Otherwise, they are individual projects. Based on the list as examples, you may propose something similar in difficulty level and relationship to the course for your project. For non-programming projects below, you may also propose to change them to programming projects.

  • SDN programming (P): Design and develop a sample SDN application on top of the Open Network Operating Systems (ONOS) platform. Some existing examples can be found at:
    The objective of this project is to let student (a) understand the structure and organization of ONOS and its power and (b) understand (and appreciate) the level of abstraction/API provided by ONOS well enough so that the student can use this vehicle to design a new SDN application. The application can be a real end-user-facing application or it can be a simple testing/measurement tool.

  • XOS programming (P): Design and develop a sample Computing+Communication services/application on the top of XOS (XaaS (Everything-as-a-Service) Operating System) under the OpenCord framework. Some existing examples can be found at:
    The objective of this project is to let student (a) understand the structure and organization of OpenCord/XOS and their power and (b) understand (and appreciate) the level of abstraction/API provided by XOS well enough so that the student can use this vehicle to design a new Edge_Computing+SDN application. The application can be a real end-user-facing application or it can be a simple testing/measurement tool.

  • IoT programmingn (P): Design and develop a cloud-based IoT applications using the AWS-IoT services:
    The objective is to let student investigate and understand what kind of support does a typical public-cloud service provider like AWS already have for IoT. The student needs to understand the offerings and API well enough so as to use them to create a simple Cloud-based IoT service/application.

  • WebRTC programming (P): Design and develop a real-time web-based applications using the WebRTC framework and measure its performance difference when different transport option, e.g. SPDY, WebSocket, HTTP2.0, is used. Some sample apps can be found at:
    Again, the objective is to make the student understand WebRTC and its API/ service support well enough so that he/she/they can use it to develop a sample real-time-web application and perform measurement studies with it.

  • Blockchain (P): explain the blockchain technology and its potential applications, and develop an application using some open source software, e.g.

  • Streaming of VR: Virtual Reality videos tend to be much bigger than regular video, including 360 degree as well as 3D content. Study how to effectively do video streaming of VR under bandwidth constraint; survey existing technologies and solutions, discuss challenges and opportunities; and learn enough about video coding to suggest solutions. (I collaborate with a company that can make VR content, which can be helpful if you do this project).

  • Network Function Virtualization: Survey practical scenarios of deployment of NFV; discuss challenges and opportunities.

  • Name Data Networking: Read about NDN and understand enough to discuss its benefits and challenges, and discuss whether NDN is likely to lead to practical use and discuss the challenges. Better yet, if there is any open source software for this technology, try it out and report the experience.

  • Digital payment platforms: Give a critical comparison of the technologies used, and security of these solutions;

  • VPNs and Proxies: Study how extensively VPN and proxies are used in China, what are the biggest service providers, and how it might change due to more restrictions in recent government policies?

  • Internet evolution: Here is an article about Internet evolution. Based on it, try to collect real world data to back-up the claims of this article.

  • Rumor detection in social media: survey technology to deal with false news propagation and spreading, which has become more and more severe a problem society needs to deal with.