This is a tentative schedule. It will be updated according to the actual progress.
EventDateDescriptionCourse Material
Lecture09/01/2023 (Mon)
11/01/2023 (Wed)
1: Course Admin; Era of Big Data Analytics;[slides]Readings: Ch1 of [Blum]
Additional references: [DataCenter]
Lecture16/01/2023 (Mon)
18/01/2023 (Wed)
2: Computing as a Utility; Data-center ArchitectureReadings: Ch1 of [MMDS]
Due21/01/2023 11:59AM
SaturdayHomework 0 is due! -
Holiday23/01/2023 (Mon)
25/01/2023 (Wed)
Chinese Lunar New Year -
Lecture30/01/2023 (Mon)
01/02/2023 (Wed)
06/02/2023 (Mon)
08/02/2023 (Wed)
3-4: MapReduce/ Hadoop ; The Big Data Processing stack[slides]Readings: Ch2.1-2.4 of [MMDS] Ch2 of [JLin] Ch3.1-3.4 of [JLin]
Additional references: [CloudData]
Lecture13/02/2023 (Mon)
15/02/2023 (Wed)
5: Frequent Item-Set Mining and Association Rules[slides]Readings: Ch6.1-6.4 of [MMDS]
Lecture20/02/2023 (Mon)
22/02/2023 (Wed)
6: Finding Similar Items and LSH[slides] -
Due21/02/2023 23:59PM
TuesdayHomework 1 is due! -
Lecture27/02/2023 (Mon)
01/03/2023 (Wed)
7: Clustering and GMM[slides] -
Lecture13/03/2023 (Mon)
15/03/2023 (Wed)
8: Dimension ReductionReadings: Ch11 of [MMDS]
Additional references: [PCA] [GuruswamiKannan]
Holiday06/03/2023 (Mon)
11/03/2023 (Sat)
Reading Week -
Due10/03/2023 23:59PM
FridayHomework 2 is due! -
Lecture27/03/2023 (Mon)
9: Recommendation Systems[slides]Readings: [SVDPCA] [ANgCS229PCA] Ch17 of [ShaliziADAEPV]
Lecture27/03/2023 (Mon)
29/03/2023 (Wed)
03/04/2023 (Mon)
12/04/2023 (Wed)
10: Regression and Gradient Descent ; Recommendation Systems (cont'd)[slides]Readings: Ch9 of [MMDS]
Additional references: [Netflix09] [KorenTalk] [ANg]
Holiday05/04/2023 (Wed)
Ching Ming Festival -
Due05/04/2023 23:59PM
WednesdayHomework 3 is due! -
Lecture17/04/2023 (Mon)
19/04/2023 (Wed)
11: Data Stream AlgorithmsReadings: Ch4.1-4.5 of [MMDS]
Holiday10/04/2023 (Mon)
Easter Monday -
Lecture24/04/2023 (Mon)
12: Data Stream Algorithms (cont'd)Readings: Ch0,Ch1,Ch4.4,Ch6 of [ChakDataStream]
Lecture24/04/2023 (Mon)
* Further ReadingsGeneral Readings:
Algorithms to Live By: The Computer Science of Human Decisions [Book Review] [Book Link]
A very lively and interesting reading.
Due25/04/2023 23:59PM
TuesdayHomework 4 is due!