IERG4130 Introduction to Cyber Security / Fall 2024


  • Please select all your available time slots for IERG4130 tutorial time through this link before 2:00 PM tomorrow (Wed., Sept 4). It will be a 45-min weekly tutorial starting from the 2nd week (Sept 9 - Sept 13).

  • Website account: student, password: ierg4130

Course Description

Cyber Security is an important topic in modern information and communication technology. This course introduces students to major areas of Cyber Security, including introductions to cryptography, network security, system security, web security and application security.

Topics to be covered include:

  • Introduction to the problem of Web security: threats, vulnerabilities, and security policies; (3 hrs)
  • Basic cryptography; Secret key algorithms (DES, 3DES, AES, RC4); (4 hrs)
  • Hashes, message digests (MD5, SHA) and Message Authentication Codes (MAC); (3 hrs)
  • Public key algorithms (RSA, Diffie-Hellman); digital signatures; (3 hrs)
  • Public Key Infrastructure: Certification Authority (CA) and digital certificates; Trust models; (3 hrs)
  • Authentication: technologies and protocols; (3 hrs)
  • Network security: attack types (sniffing, spoofing, hijacking, denial-of-service); typical attack process and countermeasures; tools (scanning, filtering, firewalls, wrappers, DMZ, VPN, intrusion detection); (4 hrs)
  • System security: attacks and defenses; Applications security: Web-applications security pitfalls (client and server); Mobile code security; (6 hrs)
  • Secure Networking/Application Protocols (IPSec, SSL/TLS) and Applications: email (S/MIME, PGP). (4 hrs)


  • Basic understanding of computer systems and networking protocols;
  • Not for students who have taken CSCI4130 or ESTR4306 or IEMS5710.

Please check Blackboard for important announcements, assignment submissions, grades, etc.

Course Assessment

  • Homework Assignments: 25%
  • Labs/ Hacking Exercises: 25%
  • Final Written Exam: 40 %
  • Class Participation: 10%


Regular attendance will be vital to your success in this class; some portion of the material presented and tested may not be contained in the notes.

Student/Faculty Expectations on Teaching and Learning

Academic Honesty

You are expected to do your own work and acknowledge the use of anyone else’s words or ideas. You MUST put down in your submitted work the names of people with whom you have had discussions.

Refer to for details.

When scholastic dishonesty is suspected, the matter will be turned over to the University authority for action.

You MUST include the following signed statement in all of your submitted homework, project assignments and examinations. Submission without a signed statement will not be graded.

I declare that the assignment here submitted is original except for source material explicitly acknowledged, and that the same or related material has not been previously submitted for another course. I also acknowledge that I am aware of University policy and regulations on honesty in academic work, and of the disciplinary guidelines and procedures applicable to breaches of such policy and regulations, as contained in the website

Academic Honesty Slides from Associate Dean of Faculty of Engineering

Use of Generative AI tools policy

Students are NOT allowed to use any Generative AI tools (e.g., ChatGPT) for any homework/ lab assignments in this course.

Any violations will be treated as cheating.

Time and Venue

  • Mon 11:30AM - 1:15PM (Science Centre L4)
  • Tue 1:30PM - 2:15PM (Basic Med Sci Bldg G18)
  • Mon 11:30AM - 2:30PM (Make-up lecture on Dec 2)
  • TBD (TBD)


Email: wclau [at]

Office hours: TBD (SHB 818)

Teaching Assistants

Kaixuan LUO

Email: luokaixuan [at]

Office hours: TBD (SHB 803)

Jianquan CAI

Email: cj024 [at]

Office hours: TBD (SHB 725)


Email: yf020 [at]

Office hours: TBD (SHB 725)

Jiuqin ZHOU

Email: zj021 [at]

Office hours: TBD (SHB 725)