Tutorial materials are available for download in this page.
Cryptography Basics
tl;dr: Recap on Crypto Basics for Secure Payment Systems: Encryption, Hash, Public Key, Digital Signature, Digital Certificates, PKI.
[slides] [slides (full version)]
Readings: Ch3 of [Sherif2016], [StallingsBrown]
Additional references: [PaarPelzl10], [Kaufman02]
Payment Service Setup Guide (Assignment 3)
tl;dr: Apply for Alipay Sandbox Account. Set up AWS instance to host the demo payment service
Protocol Flow of Mobile Payment System (Assignment 3)
tl;dr: Different mobile payment systems. Workflow of mobile payment systems (Alipay example)
RFID Security
tl;dr: Techniques of RFID tags; Vulnerabilities in MIFARE Classic cards; Tools/Hardware; Demonstration
Get a Taste of Bitcoin
tl;dr: Bitcoin 101: wallet, transactions, Bitcoin network foundamentals
Bitcoin Data Structure and Mining
tl;dr: Shared ledger, UTXO model, lock and unlock, transaction and block data structure, consensus, PoW
To Start a Journey as a Smart Contract Programmer
tl;dr: Solidity 101: syntax, data types, functions, events
Smart Contract Deployment and Security Concerns
tl;dr: EVM, JsVM, Web3, MetaMask, TestNets, Faucets, Security concerns