IERG4004 E-payment Systems and Cryptocurrency Technologies / Spring 2022
- Important Note: This website is for the Spring 2022 offering. For the Spring 2024 course website, please click here.
- Released: [Assignment #5 - Smart Contract Lab]. Due: Tue, May 10, 23:59PM.
- Released: [Assignment #4 - Bitcoin Lab]. Due: Tue, April 19, 23:59PM.
The list of suggested topics for Case Study is available. Topic registration form will be available on Blackboard on Mar 14 (Mon) 12:00 noon-time on a first-come-first-served basis.
- Released: [Assignment #3 - Mobile Payment]. Due: Mon, March 28, 23:59PM.
- Released: [Assignment #2 - Written+Lab Assignment]. Due: Mon, February 28, 23:59PM.
The Zoom meeting ID for lectures and tutorials is: 140211959. Password can be found in Blackboard annoucement.
- Released: [Assignment #1 - Written Assignment]. Due: Mon, February 7, 23:59PM.
Website account:
, password:ierg4004
Course Description
The course introduces e-payment systems and cryptocurrency technologies. Topics to be covered include:
- Introduction to Money and Banking;
- Automated Clearing and Settlement Systems;
- E-payment Security/ Privacy and related protocols;
- Credit cards;
- Peer-to-peer payment services;
- Stored Value Facilities (SVF), Smartcard technologies;
- Digital Wallets and Mobile payment systems;
- Micropayments and Ecash;
- Cryptocurrency, Block-chain technologies and their applications;
- The Future of Money and Technology.
Prerequisite: CSCI4130 or ESTR4306 or IERG4130
Please check Blackboard for important announcements, assignment submissions, grades, etc.
Course Assessment
- Written and Hands-on Systems/ Programming assignments (a total of 5 sets): 60%
- One additional Case Study / Video Presentation: 20%
- One Q&A-design Assignment: 20%
(* This course assesment scheme was updated to replace the final exam with the Q&A-design assignment.)
Student/Faculty Expectations on Teaching and Learning
Academic Honesty
You are expected to do your own work and acknowledge the use of anyone else’s words or ideas. You MUST put down in your submitted work the names of people with whom you have had discussions.
Refer to for details
When scholastic dishonesty is suspected, the matter will be turned over to the University authority for action.
You MUST include the following signed statement in all of your submitted homework, project assignments and examinations. Submission without a signed statement will not be graded.
I declare that the assignment here submitted is original except for source material explicitly acknowledged, and that the same or related material has not been previously submitted for another course. I also acknowledge that I am aware of University policy and regulations on honesty in academic work, and of the disciplinary guidelines and procedures applicable to breaches of such policy and regulations, as contained in the website
Academic Honesty Slides from Associate Dean of Faculty of Engineering
Previous Offerings
Time and Venue
- Mon 12:30AM - 2:15PM (Y.C. Liang Hall 104)
- Thu 2:30PM - 3:15PM (Lady Shaw Bldg LT6)
- Thu 3:30PM - 4:15PM (Lady Shaw Bldg LT6)
Email: wclau [at]
Office hours: Thu 4:30 - 5:30PM (SHB 818)
Teaching Assistants

Xianbo Wang
Email: xianbo [at]
Office hours: Fri 2:00 - 3:00PM (SHB 803)